If you wish to be a candidate for service to Causeway on Gull – including Incumbent Board and Ad Hoc Members and wish have your name included on the Directed Proxy/Ballot, please provide written notice to the association at the contact information below so that it is received no later than 5:00PM CST on September 20th, 2024. Directed Proxy is new process for 2024 elections.

You must be willing to dedicate your time, attend meetings, and give input. Please plan a minimum of one to two hours a week for Board Members, they serve a term of three years, Ad Hoc serve a term of one year.

Please submit the following Candidate Bio information (fit an 8×10 sheet of paper or less): Date, Name, Week and Unit Owned, Qualifying Experience, Objective to be of service.

Candidate Bio information must be received by 5:00PM, September 20th, 2024, your name will be included with the Directed Proxy’s and on a Ballot which will be mailed to all owners the week of October 6th, 2024.

The top three vote getters running for The Board of Directors will be elected to the Board of Directors and the top three vote getters running for the Ad Hoc position will fill the Ad Hoc position.

Candidates are asked to attend the Annual Board Meeting. Candidates must select their choice of Board OR Ad Hoc – not both. Board of Directors need to commit to much more personal time. All positions are volunteer and will not be paid.

Board of Director Candidates