Per the Board President, these are the final results of the 2024 Annual Meeting Election:
Vote reflects all units with voting rights.
Organizational meeting will be the first week in Dec.
Three new Causeway on Gull Board Members
Peter Smothers 937.5
Jim Leukum 683.5
Cory Jensen 625.
Three new Causeway on Gull Ad-Hoc Board members
Brenn Fromm 826.
Roy Jensen 623.5
George Deliluka 605.
Other vote totals Board .. Amanda Kuala 388 Chuck Michael 419 Kitty Haselkemp 217.5 Ad-Hoc Ed Beck 423 Mike Zwach 421
Please note, these results have been contested by the Board Secretary, Sue Brennan, for the following reasons:
*The Global Exchange proxy with votes was submitted after voting was closed
*The number of votes allocated to Gull Five in proportion to the revenue received
Her vote tally is as follows: